Pocahontas County Artisan Co-op

Rolf Brunner

Fretwork Jewelry


Fretwork Ornaments/German Scherenschnitte (Paper Cutting) Folk Art


Rolf Brunner has been called a pioneer in laser cutting and laser engraving. He grew up in Zurich Switzerland. Rolf always had an interest in art and making intricate and pretty things.

While teaching shop at an elementary school, Rolf found a book with some fretwork. Brunner sent over 75 letters to England to learn about this almost forgotten art. He visited the Strong museum in Rochester New York and contacted a clock maker in Pharr, Texas who started fretwork by using a Ford model T engine to cut his artwork.
Rolf started to design his own designs and was published by the world famous author Patrick Spielman who has written many books on scroll saw work and fretwork. He was also published in the Wood magazine by Better Homes and Gardens with some of his designs.

In early 1990 Rolf heard about a new way of cutting wood. It was a laser engraving machine. He started to explore the idea of using one of these new machines, and in 1995 he purchased his first one. Since this was such a new concept, it was difficult to get a bank loan for such an expensive new type of machine. Rolf contacted the SBA and was able to purchase the newest machine on the market.

Many items available for sale have been designed by Rolf and other artists from around the world. Working collaboratively to create these intricate designs allows them to offer some of the more elaborate gifts.

Rolf’s work can be found in many gifts shops as well on his website.

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